Thursday, June 16, 2011
Be a coffee mug !
Friday, February 18, 2011
The largest solar flare of cycle 24
Our Sun has a number of spots on it called sunspots which are due to the strong magnetic field and plasma in the Sun. The rotation of Sun is not uniform, it has different rate at poles than at equator; this makes the rotation 'differential'. The differential rotation of Sun creates the twisted and complex magnetic field and as a result of that sunspots are produced (this is not as simple as it has been mentioned here, but it may make sense to a layman). The temperature of a sunspot is less than the solar average temperature that is why they appear as a 'spot' with 'cooler' degree.
The number of these sunspots varies and it is a well documented feature that the Sun follows an eleven year cycle with the number of spots ranging from 0 to 170. This cycle is called the Solar Cycle. Since the time these cycles have been recorded the Sun is in Cycle 24 these days; it started back in Dec 2008. The list of all Solar Cycles can be seen here.
One of the phenomena associated with this Solar Cycle is the eruption of the mass from the corona of Sun, i.e., the 'plasma atmosphere' of Sun. Due to the complex magnetic field patters and these sunspots the Sun erupts mass which is termed as Coronal Mass Eruption (CME). This mass eruption may or may not be alone and most of these eruptions are followed by energy eruption also in the X-ray range. Technically speaking this X-ray burst is called a solar flare or X-ray flare.
These flares are one of the routine phenomena of Sun but their frequency varies with the sunspots. These days one of the sunspots in the Southern hemisphere of the Sun has gone made and it generated a strong flare and the CME entitled as 'Valentine's Day Solar Flare' by NASA. The image of this recent flare is given below. (Image source NASA). The brightest region is erupting this flare. This is the largest flare of the current Solar Cycle, till today.
These flares or radiation storms have adverse effect on satellites, electrical grid stations on higher latitudes of Earth and the HF Communication because a radio blackout may occur as one of the consequences at all latitudes of Earth.
The Sci-Fi 2012 shows the end of world due to heating of the inner layers of the Earth, but scientifically speaking these solar flares have nothing to do with the climate and/or weather pattern on Earth, these flares disturb the weather is space and the documented adverse effects have been mentioned above.
The Universe would naturally come to an end and so as the Earth also being its part, but such solar flares may not be the reason for the same. Our Earth is being shielded by a magnetic field and it is capable enough to weaken such flares and the other outer space hittings.
Further readings: British Geological Survey Analysis of the recent flare, A 12-hour long geomagnetic storm, And the Sun wakes up
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Pakistan Flood Relief (Muzaffargarh District)
Everybody in Pakistan is aware of devastating impact of flood in the country, occurred last year. There were many organizations involved in the relief process as soon as this disaster occurred. I'm blogging about one activity going on in the District of Muzaffagarh, a neighbour district of City of Saints Multan, just at the bank of River Chenab. A group of some young doctors from Karachi reached to one of its small villages called Head-bakini in the month of Aug, 2010. These doctors are still in contact with one of the residents of the village, Mufti Abdul Hameed Rabbani. Although the flood is over and most of the people are back to their lives in their respective localities affected by the water, but the mentioned village remained out of reach of the government and NGOs. These people are still homeless and are compelled to bear the extreme cold weather without proper shelter.
I personally know Dr. Zuhair Khan (an ex-Hamdardian, Matricualted from Hamdard Public School, Karachi in 2000) who is one of the doctors working in that area. He with his colleagues is assisting Mufti Abdul Hameed Rabbani to provide shelters to the poor villagers, particularly to widows who are not only homeless but have lost their life partners and the financial supporters of their families also.
Although much has already been done in these effected area but there is still lot more to do. If you just look at the recent flood in Queensland, Australia it was the worst of Australian history and people willingly started the rehabilitation process on voluntarily basis right after the water subsided. Although the Australian government is richer than the Pakistani government with lot of resources but the Australians are there to help their suffered countrymen. So this is the responsibility of the nation itself to stand up on its own feet and not to rely on foreign ad or beg for the loans on easy instalments (so called).
To sensitize the issue and attract the attention of readers of this write up I'm taking this opportunity to request everybody to kindly help Dr. Zuhair and his colleagues. They are raising funds to build basic housing (a roof and four walls) for the most needy of the village which are widows with children. The cost of building one shelter is PKR 72,000.00 (AUD 850.00 approx.). This is the most important of all because of the winter season in the area. Already 17 of such houses have been successfully constructed and handed-over to the widows but still 31 are lagging due to insufficient funds. The fund raisers can be reached at the contacts below for further details. You can contribute from your Zakat, Sadaqat or simple charity money for the purpose. This act of generosity will be rewarded by Allah here and hereafter.
Contact persons with contact numbers and countries:
Mufti Abdul Hameed Rabbani: +92 300 2135 675 (Pakistan)
Dr. Muhammad Ismail Shafi: +92 300 358 1338 (Pakistan)
Dr. Zuhair Khan: +61421965440 (Australia) +92 334 343 9919 (Pakistan)
Faraz Khan: +61 42 115 6732 (Australia)
A facebook group has also been created for the purpose; facebooker can join the same for latest updates at
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hakim Mohammed Said, a man with vision
There are a number of terms to introduce Shaheed-e-Pakistan Hakim Mohammed Said (January 9, 1920 – October 17, 1998); he was an enthusiastic educationist and Hakim (physician). In addition to these, his multidimensional personality includes a seasoned writer, a wandering tourist, an altruistic philanthropist, a true patriot and a highly responsible Governor of province, but above all he was an admirable human being and a practicing Muslim.
His professional career started with migration to his beloved country Pakistan in 1948 where he founded a small Matab (clinic) of herbal medicines. This small clinic then turned into a well known non government institution, Hamdard Laboratories Pakistan, which afterwards gained the status of an active pharmaceutical industry and was transformed into a Waqf (trust) in 1953. In 1958 Hakim Said established Hamdard Tibbia College where a degree in Uniani (Greece) Medicines was offered.
It was in early 1980s when he started to materialise his dream of establishing a city of knowledge, culture and industry. This dream started coming to a reality when in 1983 the land near Northern Bypass some 27 km away from Karachi was purchased. General Zia ul-Haq the then president of Pakistan laid the foundation stone of the mega project called Madinat al-Hikmah in June 1985. The first institute to start working was Hamdard Public School in 1990, with no electricity and gas connection, also there was no water line to the school complex and the road was even not carpeted from the city to the school. But these deficiencies could not stop the staff and students to start the process of learning at the institute.
This was only possible due to the driving force behind the project, because the man behind it was the man with vision and mission.
He used to visit the school every week and would mix with the kids. Hakim Said was a footballer during his student life therefore he focused on the physical strength of the kids also. For this purpose a well equipped stadium was constructed at the school premises. This stadium became the centre of all on campus sports and co-curricular activities.
Later on Hamdard University, Hamdard College of Eastern Medicine, Bait ul-Hikmah (library) and Hamdard Village School also started functioning step by step under Hamdard Foundation Pakistan.
This is one aspect of his personality, as a writer he produced a number of manuscripts on diverse subjects, from kid's stories to technical reports and research thesis. One of the major areas of his authorship was to write travelogues and he was really good at that, because readers used to travel with him as a companion while reading his travelogues. He was a Hafiz of Quran also, so he gathered a large number of Quranic manuscripts from across the world at Bait ul-Hikmah.
To educate and train the children he started the forum of Naunehal Assembly where kids from different schools used to participate and share their views with their fellows, parents, teachers and the eminent scholars. Similarly Hakim Said also developed a platform for the leaders by the name of Hamdard Shura. He shared his experience and knowledge at various national and international conferences, symposiums and workshops by presenting his research and delivering technical and general lectures. His debating style was simple, logical and spontaneous therefore the audience of all ages were equally able to listen and understand him.
Government of Pakistan acknowledged the services of Hakim Said to his countrymen and he was awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 1966 and the highest civilian award of Pakistan Nishan-e-Imtiaz in 2000. These are the two major awards from a long list of achievements.
He never believed in making property for himself as he lived in the only house in Karachi since his arrival to the country till the day of his assassination. He always ate simple meal and wore white dress comprising the Sherwani that was washed by him, usually. He had a habit of fasting and he was assassinated in the same mode also.
He was a person who thinks that 'Why not' so he brought his dreams to reality not for himself but for the others, he always believed in giving and did not hesitate in giving his life in the noble cause of serving the humanity. He once said that
These words reflect his thoughts and he practiced the same till his last breathe. May his soul rest is peace, amen.